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ESB is constructing three aero-derivative gas turbine projects at Poolbeg, Ringsend and Corduff sites in Dublin, with each of these sites capable of generating up to 65MW.

These projects, with flexible generation capability (FlexGen), are designed to ramp up and down quickly to support renewable generation at times of intermittent wind and solar power on Ireland's electricity system. This supports ESB's commitment to providing clean, affordable and reliable energy while also enhancing the ability to add more renewable generation to the Irish system.

ESB plans to complete these projects in advance of the capacity contract delivery date of October 2024.

FlexGen Technology
FlexGen Technology

FlexGen technology will allow for increased renewable energy generation connecting to the electricity grid. These systems provide response capabilities to support the network and counteract any fluctuations in wind and solar power.

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For further queries please contact Flexgen Project at the email address provided.

  • Address Engineering and Major Projects Dublin Airport Co. Dublin K67 XF72 Ireland